Ian Beckwith
Linux sysadmin, bespoke development and web solutions
Experienced UK-based sysadmin, web and unix developer, available for freelance contracts.
my full list of skills,
some of my clients,
contact me.
If you are looking for my free-software contributions, see my personal site.
Linux Sysadmin
As an experienced sysadmin and Debian GNU/Linux expert, I can setup and manage systems from a small cloud server to a large network of interoperating servers. I specialise in Debian-based distributions, but also have experience with other Linux distributions and commercial unix systems like Solaris.
I have built and maintained systems ranging from small shell-scripts to large complex applications spanning multiple servers. I am fluent in many languages, both low- and high-level, and adept at learning new languages, systems and APIs. I contribute to several Free/Open Source projects.
Web Solutions
Able to create and maintain richly interactive websites, small or large, integrated with CMSs, 3rd party APIs and services (eg google maps), complying with latest standards and best practices. I can also modify existing sites, to add more features or spruce up their appearance.